Updates to CalFresh Benefits
Sacramento County is moving to CalSAWS, a new public assistance case management system:
This change brings the following:
- BenefitsCal.com is a new website that replaces MyBenefitsCalWIN (MyBCW).
- BenefitsCal allows customers to apply for benefits, report changes, upload documents, and sign up for email/text alerts.
- Starting on 10/30/2023, call the new 1-800-560-0976 number for immediate help over the phone!
Find a Local Farmers Market: Use your EBT card to purchase fresh, seasonal produce at local Farmers Markets.
Click here to view the list of current farmers markets and receive an extra $10 – $60 to spend on fresh vegetables and fruit!
Purchasing hot meals with your EBT: Seniors age 60+, individuals with disability income or those experiencing homelessness are eligible to use their EBT cards to purchase hot, prepared food at these local restaurants.
In your neighborhood:
River City Food Bank
Tuesday – Friday from 10:30 -1:30

CalFresh Outreach Services
Our CalFresh Outreach team can help you:
- Apply for CalFresh
- Review your CalFresh benefits to find out if you are getting the correct amount
- Reschedule your CalFresh appointment
- Fill out and submit report forms and other paperwork
- Find the nearest Farmers’ Market that accepts EBT, CalFresh’s debit-like payment card
- Request a new EBT card
- Assistance trouble-shooting your CalFresh case with the county
Useful Information for CalFresh Recipients:
CalFresh Facts:
- CalFresh benefits are FREE but you must apply to get them. There are millions of Californians who qualify but have not applied.
- People who qualify for CalFresh receive benefits on a plastic debit-like card called the Golden State Advantage, it’s also known as EBT card.
- If your family receives CalFresh then your children may also be eligible to receive free school breakfast and lunch at school.
- It doesn’t matter if you own a car, house, or have money in the bank. You may still qualify for CalFresh.
River City Food Bank works in partnership with Sacramento County Department of Human Assistance, Sacramento Food Bank & Family Services, Community Link Capital Region, and Asian Resources Inc. to promote CalFresh awareness in Sacramento County. Together, we are working to end food insecurity in our community.
En Español
CalFresh es un programa federal financiado por el Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos. CalFresh puede ayudarle a comprar alimentos saludables.
Nosotros le podemos ayudar con la solicitud y cualquier pregunta ó duda que tenga sobre CalFresh.
Llamenos hoy: 916-233-4075.
Le podemos ayudar a:
- Completar la solicitud para CalFresh
- Contestar sus preguntas sobre la solicitud y el proceso
- Cambiar su cita
- Completar los documentos necesarios
- Ayudarle a encontrar el mercado agrícola mas cercano
- Pedir una tarjeta de EBT nueva
- Cambiar la clave de su tarjeta EBT
- Renovar sus beneficios de CalFresh
Información Sobre CalFresh:
- Los beneficios son gratuitos pero debe solicitar CalFresh para recibirlos. Hay millones de personas que califican pero no han solicitado
- Personas que califican reciben los beneficios en una tarjeta de plástico que se llama Golden State Advantage y también es conocida como la tarjeta EBT
- Cuando las familias reciben CalFresh sus niños también califican para recibir desayuno y almuerzo gratis en la escuela.
- No importa si tiene un carro , dinero en el banco, si vive solo, ni la edad que tenga, usted puede calificar para los beneficios de CalFresh.
Información Para Personas que Reciben CalFresh: