River City Food Bank Souper Event

River City Food Bank Souper Event
March 13, 2010 RCFB Admin

After last week’s Empty Bowls event, more people are certainly aware of hunger in our community because so many supporters, volunteers, businesses, students and artists stepped forward to help in River City Food Bank’s efforts to provide healthy food to hungry families. Kudos to Kelly Whitcomb-Weston and Sherri Norwood who took this event to a whole new level by adding a Soup Supper while maintaining the traditional excellence of the luncheon. There are so many people to thank starting with Mayor Kevin Johnson who spoke at Monday’s Soup Supper, and all of fabulous restaurants and vendors who offered their gourmet soups, breads, appetizers wine, beer, and desserts. Many businesses insured our success with their generous sponsorships; special thanks to Lucinda Woodward, Comcast, Bonney Plumbing, Western Health Advantage, Ray Stone Senior Communities.com and Wells Fargo Bank. It is impossible to thank the hundreds of people who helped us to reach our goal of $80,000. If you donated a bowl, served, bought a ticket, or made a monetary donation, know that you are instrumental in helping us fight hunger and malnutrition here in Sacramento County. Our thanks is heartfelt.