RCFB Serves Families and Single Parents

RCFB Serves Families and Single Parents
January 1, 2010 RCFB Admin

“You hear that a lot of people just live ‘pay check to pay check,’ but I never realized what that really meant until I lost my job.  For me and my boys it means doing whatever we can to keep food on the table and a roof over our heads.”

These were the words one well dressed, articulate woman used to explain why she was coming to River City Food Bank for the first time this month.  As a single parent, she was doing her best to hold her life together and make ends meet.  Her two pre-teen sons were with her and it was clear this was a difficult visit for them to make as a family. They had never come to a food bank before.  They had never had to ask for help before.  But they were hardly the only ones facing financial difficulties in the month of November.  This month promises to be another record breaker.