The Cesar Chavez Wednesday Farmers’ Market is back, and it’s a great way to get fresh-off-the-farm fruits and veggies and support River City Food Bank.
When you make a purchase, buy a pound or two extra and donate it at the “Giving Fresh” table. Volunteers will deliver it the same afternoon to the food bank, where families, seniors and other clients will receive a portion as part of a three-day emergency food supply.
The Farmers Market takes place at Cesar Chavez Park at 10th and J Streets on Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Besides fresh produce stands, plenty of vendors of delicious prepared food and beverage items are on hand so you can enjoy lunch in the shady park. (Cherries are a hot item right now!)
Flo Aegerter, a volunteer, braved the hot sun to ask passers-by, “Have you heard about Giving Fresh to fight hunger?” Fellow volunteers Rachel Chavez (Flo’s daughter) and Joe Lenihan say that the farmers’ market is only in its second week and people are still learning about the opportunity to donate.
As of 12:15 p.m. on Wednesday, May 9, approximately 30 shoppers had donated 161 lbs. of fresh produce, including a few flats of strawberries.
“I love doing this so much,” Flo says.
Giving Fresh was started in 2011 as a collaborative effort between Senior Gleaners, Downtown Partnership and River City Food Bank.