Why Empty Bowls? I could give you 60,000 reasons but I’ll start with two.

Why Empty Bowls? I could give you 60,000 reasons but I’ll start with two.
February 25, 2013 RCFB Admin

Yesterday a young mother came to the food bank for the first time.  She had one baby girl in a front papoose carrier and was pushing an identical little girl in a stroller.  As the mother of 19 year-old twins, my mind took a quick detour down memory lane…and it made me remember how tired I was for the first 3 years of their lives.  I remember countless diapers, forever formula, and never a moment to simply relax.

This young woman came to the food bank for the basic necessities…healthy food, formula, and diapers.  Waiting for her at home were two more children and her husband.  A family of six.  I can only imagine.  She was so grateful for the food, diapers and goodies she received.  There was no question that River City Food Bank was a godsend to this woman and her family.

So once again, why Empty Bowls?  Because without the funds generated by Empty Bowls, River City Food Bank would be greatly reduced.  We simply couldn’t continue to buy, collect and distribute over 90,000 pounds of healthy food.  We simply couldn’t serve over 6,000 people, one fourth of whom are children, every month.

Tickets are still available.  Have you purchased yours and treated a friend?